First Birthday Crafts!

I’ve been meaning to do a post about Miriam’s first birthday and the crafts that I did for that, but am just getting around to it a month later! We chose to do a “rose” themed party, and here are some of the (extremely easy) crafts that I did!

1st bday chalkboard

First Birthday Chalkboard

This first birthday chalkboard COULD have been very hard, but I decided not to be finicky about it. I got chalk markers and drew on a black poster board freehand. The only thing I did in pencil beforehand was draw a line under her name to make sure it would be straight, and I looked at what her name looked like in a cool font but just recreated it by hand.

If you don’t trust yourself to do a freehand or want to make a really perfect version of this, you can draw a grid on your black posterboard , or buy one that is pre-gridded. You can print out what you want to say in cool fonts or designs, trace over them in pencil and transfer them on to the board. (Remember to use a mirror image of what you want your poster to look like or when you transfer it your letters will be backwards!)

photo number one

Photo Number One

This photo number one craft was very simply too, and I love how cute the number one looks! I used all kinds of baby pictures and just followed this pattern of which were horizontal and which were vertical. I recommend printing extra pictures in both directions so you can play with your design and which ones go next to each other. It’s easy to get too many photos of your baby in the same kind of poses! I laid this all out on the floor and then taped the backs of the pictures together. Again, if you turn your photos over to tape them, make sure that when you flip them over you’re getting the shape you want and not a mirror image!

letter guest book

M for Miriam!

Out of all the birthday crafts, this one took the least amount of time. I took a plain letter “M” and painted it, then set out two colors of permanent marker for people to sign or write a little birthday note to Miriam. This could also be done for a baby shower or bridal shower with your new initials. The final letter can be hung on a wall, propped up on a shelf, or just saved as a memory of the day.

first birthday crafts

first birthdy crafts all set up

Here they are! Our party was outdoors, so I used an easel to hold up the first birthday chalkboard and placed the “M signing station” near the gift table. The photo number one is hanging on an outdoor wall (not pictured), but I liked having the different crafts in this section and thought it came together really well!



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